John Locke Essay Competition是什么?
John Locke Institute是位于英国牛津的独立教育组织,与英国牛津大学和美国普林斯顿大学等名校教授合作组织学术项目。John Locke Essay Competition的评审全部来自英国牛津大学,参赛对象为全世界范围内思考能力最强的中学生。在比赛中获得distinction可以大幅提升美国和英国大学本科申请竞争力。往年参与学生录取成绩包括普林斯顿、哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福、芝加哥、伯克利、牛津、剑桥等世界名校。要求提交一篇2000词以下的议论文。
John Locke Essay Competition主要考察学生哪些能力?
(1) 是否了解哲学,政治,经济,历史,心理学,神学或法律等学科领域的基本知识结构
John Locke Essay Competition Outline1V1
Course will be a total of 20 hours. 16 Hours will be dedicated to an online course, while the other 4 will be spent on personal essay editing.
The course will be 10 sessions, with each session being 2 hours each. (C) stands for Course classes, while (E) stands for editing workloads.
Note: the student must finish the respective Project Progress work before the review sessions, or the course cannot guarantee a prompt and prestigious final essay.
Session 1 (C): Understanding the Essay Competition
First Major Tools for Success
Session 2 (C): Research methods & Initial research
Session 3 (C): Possible approaches to research
Project Progress (Homework) – the Research Proposal
Session 4 (C): Research Proposal Review
Gauging the ability of the student
Session 5 (C): Detailed Research & Apply Tools for Essay writing success
Project Progress (Homework) – the Essay Outline
Session 6 (C): Rough draft of John Locke Essay
Project Progress (Homework) – the Finished Rough Draft
Session 7 (C): Rough draft review & Smaller edits important for polishing finished product
Session 8 (E): Second draft of John Locke Essay
Project Progress (Homework) – the Finished Second Draft
Session 9 (C): Second draft review, taking care of any other major issues
Project Progress (Homework) – the Finished Final Draft
Session 10 (E): Final Draft Review, Essay Submission